Tuesday 6 June 2017

How Artificial Intelligence Making a Difference in Customer Support

Customer service landscape is changing. Companies are focusing on new ways to offer quality services to their customers. And, artificial service and technology doing a tremendous work in this. Although Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems were started with an aim to satisfy customers, better they weren’t able to keep the pace with the growing demand of customers. 
The AI is a system that reduces the customer without frustration and reducing wait times. As calls are directed to the intelligent software, issues are solved fast and effectively. With calls getting instant answer and satisfaction, customers feel satisfied. 
Here are reasons why customers enjoy this latest service:

 Customers are Happy

Modern customers are demanding. They want answers to their questions instantly and intelligently. A recent study says that by 2020, customers will manage their problems without interacting with humans. Sounds interesting, isn’t it? 
However, the more advanced form of intelligent virtual assistance can mimic the sound of salesperson, tech supporter and service agent and speak naturally. The service is proven great so far, however; not all sectors trust this system yet.

 Effective and Reliable

Agents won’t be effective unless they are dealing with customers every time they get a call. But, this technology collect calls and direct them to agents solving similar problem as it adds a layer to the regulatory monitor 
In case the agent is not able to answer the customer, the AI quickly looks back to its query backup and solves the issue. By making agents effective, the customer’s query solving time reduces to a greater level. 
This means, the level of agents also decreases solving better and reducing the average time. This is why AI customer service and technology  is rapidly increasing problem-solving capabilities.  

 Reduces Cost and Improves Customer Support

Most companies that are using AI in their business operations are happy to that their overall cost has been reduced to a big level. Handling customer through AI system also improves customer support of the company to a new level. Looking at the great change they see in the customer satisfaction, they more than welcome this technology to their business. 

Here are some key facts on why you should use artificial intelligence:

 68% Customer Leave Due to Poor Customer Support

Research says that around 68% customers leave a company due to poor customer support. It is actually due to the overall poor quality of customer service due to which most customers feel dissatisfied and leave a company. 

 89% customers are Frustrated by Repeating their Problem to Multiple Customers 

Although companies work hard to offer better customer service to the customers yet most of the times the customer feel frustrated while repeating their problem to different agents. 
AI made a tremendous impact in some of the areas of business and is being preferred by many business units. The change it bought in the service department has made people switch to virtual assistance and gain the benefit of technology. This is why artificial service and technology is used in many sectors. 


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